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receta de paletas congeladas bajas en carbohidratos

Recipe for Delicious Low Carb KETO Frozen Yogurt, Avocado and Strawberries

Frozen popsicles are perfect for the hot season, as a dessert or as a snack between meals; What better way to enjoy them than with this low carb recipe with two of the quintessential keto ingredients. Do not miss it!

Yogurt Popsicle Nutrition Facts

6 pallets


150 g strawberry Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons SOLA SWEET sweetener
1 large avocado, ripe, chopped
6 large strawberries, sliced


  1. Place the yogurt, sweetener, and avocado in a food processor, blend until smooth.
  2. Place the sliced strawberries in the popsicle molds, pressing them against the sides, and add the yogurt and avocado mixture.
  3. Place a stick in the middle of each pallet.
  4. Put the popsicles in the freezer for at least 4 hours.

Ready to enjoy!

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