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receta omelette de huevo bajo en carbohidratos

Egg Omelette with Mushroom Recipe, Keto

The egg is one of the most nutritious foods that exist, this recipe is a great option for breakfast, since it will fill you with energy and it will only take you 10 minutes to prepare it.


3 eggs
30 g of butter
30 g of grated cheese
¼ raw yellow onion
1 cup of sliced mushrooms
Salt and pepper


  1. Beat the eggs in a bowl and add salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Put the butter in a skillet and spread it over the entire surface.
  3. Add the mushrooms and onion to the pan, cook until smooth, and add the egg.
  4. When it begins to take consistency, add the cheese; wait for it to melt a bit and fold it in half.
  5. Once the part that is glued to the pan begins to take a golden hue, it is time to remove it from the heat and put it on the plate.

Ready to enjoy!

If you try this recipe, don't forget to share your settings, opinions and photos with us. We love to see your dishes!

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