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receta scones bajos en carbohidratos

Keto Scones Recipe, Sugar Free and Low Carb


Scones are also known as English muffins, although the recipe is originally from Scotland; They are usually eaten for breakfast, brunch or dinner, because it is a kind of bread that can have different shapes and fillings. Don't miss out on this simple recipe!

12 servings


⭐ 1 package of Good Dee's pancake flour
⭐ 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
⭐ 1 egg


  1. Preheat the oven to 176ºC (350ºF)
  2. In a bowl, mix the flour with the egg until it forms a consistency of bread dough.
  3. Spread the mixture in a thick circle (about 2cm thick).
  4. Cut the circle into 8 triangular slices, like a pizza.
  5. Place the slices on a tray lined with wax paper and put them in the oven. Bake until golden brown.

Ready to enjoy!

Remember that you can add some filling, or change the vanilla extract for your favorite.

nutrition facts scones

If you try this recipe, don't forget to share your settings, opinions and photos with us. We love to see your dishes!

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